Monday, May 24, 2010

Words of Wisdom?

A rolling stone may get the worm while early birds repine

In beds of moss resplendent with the scent of turpentine.

Perhaps I've mixed the whole thing up – an apple every day

Is sure to starve a fever while the doctor's making hay.

That can't be right; I'll try again – You catch more flies with haste

Than vinegar is spilt on milk and honey goes to waste.

I guess I cannot duplicate Poor Richard's prose, so clear –

Whenever I write wisdom down it sounds like Edward Lear!

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let a Smile be Your Galoshes

"Let a smile be your umbrella" is advice that comes in vain

When you're battling with hailstones or a nasty hurricane.

Smiling as your boat goes down or when the bank forecloses

Shows you've got an intellect that's dead, or surely dozes.

Never trust the smile upon the face of your mechanic;

When a politician grins we all had better panic!

Better to bear troubles with a face that's halfway beaten;

Nothing is more noble than the look of Buster Keaton.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

The Hammock

The hammock is a sacred place,

Outside the bounds of time & space.

It hangs between eternities,

Above the tide of restless seas.

When swinging in a hammock I

Am not of earth, nor of the sky.

Wrapped in my soft & webbed cocoon

I ask no man for any boon,

But independently aspire

All worldly problems to retire

Until a voice soft as the dawn

Yells at me to "go mow the lawn!"

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