Friday, July 3, 2009

Buyer Beware

Everything you buy today from pretzels to a boat

Includes a book or novel or a pamphlet done by rote

Explaining every aspect of your purchase in detail,

From country of origin to the date when it goes stale.

It tells you how to operate or savor or enhance,

It even tells you how to clean the lint right off your pants.

With diagrams and spread sheets and a lot of illustrations

It offers fine suggestions and a host of inclinations.

 A step-by-step procession of instructions, they will guide you,

and  guarantee that woe will not forever more betide you.

A warrantee's included, or implied, or can be bought,

And testimony's given that your product's really hot.

So sit back and relax and let all worries quickly vanish –

The only problem being the instructions are in Spanish.


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