Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bucket List

I, too, have got a bucket list, like in that picture show

that Nicholson and Freeman made about a year ago.

Before I kick the bucket I am hoping that email

Will falter and go offline and forever after fail.

That I can write some letters to my kids and friends abroad

And that I will receive back their responses by the wad.

I want to eat a hard-boiled egg without that sulfur smell.

I want to give a homely girl a beautiful sea shell.

I want to write a get-well card that's actually sincere.

I want to put a flea into a congressman's tin ear.

I want a pair of cashmere socks, and someone to explain

What exactly can you rhyme with something like 'plantain'.

Finally, I'd like to make an angel laugh out loud –

And hope that up in heaven they don't rule: NO JOKES ALLOWED.


Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail you.

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