Saturday, July 12, 2008

the prodigal son

The prodigal son,

Having spent all his loot,

Came back to his father

And got a new suit.


The son who stayed home

Still got the estate,

But after the taxes

He lived in a crate.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

fishing, or not

I don't think I'll write about fishing.

The subject has been written out.

Like politics, sex and religion,

The stories are subject to doubt.

I don't think I'll write about fishing.

As sport it's an absolute dud;

You sit in a boat gently snoring

Or you're up to your butt in cold mud.

I don't think I'll write about fishing.

There's certainly no sex appeal.

Impaling a worm is disgusting;

The person who does it, a heel.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The game of golf suggests to me

A droll form of insanity.

Pebble Beach or Interlachen,

People there just keep on knockin'

A little ball of blazing white

On it's senseless, futile flight.

Where it lands becomes most sacred –

Any doubt will faces make red.

The clubs all cost a kingly ransom.

The clothes they wear are rarely handsome.

Keeping score with handicap

Oft reveals a moral gap.

The greens are manicured each day

And treated with Oil of Olay.

Golf is neither play nor work;

It's lawn care that has gone beserk.




The planet Mars has water,

Now says NASA in amazement;

They could've saved the trouble

Just by looking in my basement.

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