Wednesday, April 2, 2008

radio talk show hosts

Used to be on radio you'd turn the little switch,

Then hear a song, a joke or get the latest baseball pitch.

But nowadays you cannot turn that little plastic dial

Without some loudmouth jerk parading ignorance and bile.

They come in every shade and hue of predatory pundit –

Wouldn't life be grand if everybody simply shunned it?

But no, we have to listen to our favorite commentator,

Even though they have the mind-set of an alligator.

Their facts are just as accurate as some cheap Timex watch;

If you disagree with them they kick you in the crotch;

Volume is the only logic they can comprehend;

Their 'common touch' is made up of baloney and pretend.

Idols false and frivolous we've made with our own ears –

Giving these fat charlatans such lucrative careers.

If we sewed their mouths shut then perhaps they'd all explode,

But then again they'd probably keep dumping out a load.

Talk is cheap but these folk debase language even more –

They turn it into something not fit for a bathroom floor.

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