Does anybody really know
What Doppler radar means,
With all those blobs of color
On our television screens?
It seems more like Picasso,
Jackson Pollock, or Van Gogh,
Than scientific weather
Showing rain or blizzard snow.
Why not have a kindergartner
Finger paint the map?
It would look more vivid
And might even make me clap.
I wonder what comes next
With this artistic weather fad,
Polka-dot high pressure
Or some fog tricked out in plaid?
The DOT has magic codes,
Closing only certain roads
On which I want to travel –
Turning my vacation time
Into futile pantomime
As my plans unravel.
Silently I must detour
Never being really sure
That I'm on the right way.
And so, you wicked DOT,
You are only mocking me;
All your signs, they ought to be:
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