Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hamlet was a strange young man

because his pappy perished

under circumstances grim

that Hamlet always cherished.

There was a ghost – or maybe not –

that claimed to be his father

who told the kid his uncle was

the cause of all this bother.

He loved his mom, but she was quick

to marry on the rebound.

She hooked up with said uncle which

suspicious sure could be found.

A councilor and sister were both

sent to early graves.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

turned out to be two knaves.

There is a graveyard scene that most

claim is great classic humor.

I saw it at the Gutherie, and

the humor is just rumor.

There is play within the play –

the actors are not jolly.

Oh, did I mention Hamlet's mom

is Queen amidst this folly?

And so the Uncle is crowned king

and Hamlet thinks it's rotten.

So do I because their speech

has turned my ears to cotton.

The language is archaic, not to

mention downright murky –

they chew upon their syllables

as if they were beef jerky.

Poison swords drop everyone

when we get to Act Three.

No wonder I have never seen

this stuff on my TV.

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