Monday, September 17, 2007

Timerick does it again

I want you, right this minute, to go get your road atlas.  Under the index for Texas I want you to look up Reno.  Now go to the map of Texas and pinpoint the town, just to the east of Paris.  Got it?  Good.  I was hoping to end my last week as publicity director for Culpepper & Merriweather Circus in a blaze of glory, or at least without a massive fiasco.  But Reno, Texas, plunged me into buffoonery once again.
  I called the sponsor, a volunteer firefighters organization, and set up an appointment for Saturday morning, at the fire station.  I'm there plenty early, as usual.  An hour goes by.  No sponsor.  I leave said sponsor a voice message, regretting etc.  Said sponsor calls me back on Sunday, saying he was out at the fire station but didn't see me.  Not one to call another man a liar, I complacently take the blame -- must've just missed each other, blah, blah, blah.  We agree to meet Monday morning at the fire station.  I'm there bright and early.  Again no sponsor.  This time I start to boil.  So I decide to go right to the top.  I call the fire chief at city hall.  He is affability itself, sorry to hear I missed my connection again.  He agrees to  meet me at the fire station in two minutes.  So I wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Thirty minutes later the chief calls me back to ask if I am at the fire station, as he hasn't seen me.  I'm right in front of the cotton-pickin' station, so I start to bang on the front door.
"Can you hear me now?" I holler into my cell phone.
No.  He can't.
I bang louder.
"I'm right here!  Just open the door and you'll see me!"
"I'm outside right now . . . "
We continue in this Abbott and Costello vein for a few more minutes until the chief asks "What county are you in right now?"
Oh oh.
Lamar County, right outside of Paris.
Well, partner, Reno is a suburb of Fort Worth.  There are two Renos in Texas.
Pause here, cherished reader, and try to imagine my feelings at that moment.  My face glowed with a plutonium-grade blush.
Luckily the chief was a forgiving soul.  So we agreed to meet, this time in the right town, this coming Saturday.  Pray for me, readers.  Pray for me.

Can you find the hidden words?  Take a break and play Seekadoo! Play now!

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