Tuesday, January 4, 2011

State Unions

King Canute knew long ago that you cannot command

The waves to roll back from their tidal wedding with the sand.

But modern legislatures seem to think that they can bid

The unions to crawl in a can and then screw on a lid.

State governments are hoping with a fervor quite distinct

That all their workers will become, first quiet, then extinct.

But I think that instead of such preposterous intrigue

We make each woman, man and child a member of the league –

If all of us are hired by the state where we reside,

It's 'all aboard' the gravy train for such a jolly ride!

No more unemployment and with pensions like Fort Knox,

We'll sit around all day and nosh on bagels and pink lox.

To pay for this we'll have to sell a few things – just a tidge –

Let's see if China wants to buy a 'bargain' Brooklyn Bridge . . .

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