Friday, January 25, 2008




The plastic bag, when first employed,

A fad with markets soon enjoyed.

Your frozen food in paper sacks

Could not withstand such moist attacks.

With mushy sacks we all got caught

Out in the blasted parking lot.

Packing food in cardboard boxes

Crushed the bagels and the loxes.

Cloth bags seemed too hoity-toity;

Too elite and so John Voighty.

But plastic was the very stuff

To carry Birdseye or plum duff.

Then shopping trips quite oft became

A struggle all these bags to tame.

Compressed into the tightest ball

Around the house they still would crawl;

Snagging feet and plugging drains up,

Beating all our feeble brains up.

And so we threw them all outside

To roam the earth with ghostly glide.

They cover fields and smother fish;

From trees like foreign flags they swish.

They do not rust, they cannot melt;

They make a lousy trousers belt.

And so to death and taxes add

This hollow plastic baggy cad.

If markets don't stop handing out

The plastic bag, without a doubt

The last thing that this world will be

Is plastic bag infinity.

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