Monday, November 8, 2010

More Uncensored Tweets from Tweetdeck

Listed under: "I hate work"

I love my job, hate the ppl I work with. Currently trying to find a way to do it all my self.

Don't you hate when random ppl make conversation with you?? Like u think I really care what work u have due. I have my own shit due.

Sigh... I hate going to work!! Facing those issues n ppl make me sick! I really Wana break up with my job!

I swear I hate when ppl try and make last min. Apts with me and then expect me to work around their schedual #fuckthat ur on my time

Hate the ppl I work with at my office so sitting here watching the office on hulu

I fuckin hate work. Can't trust ne1. Pissd off with ppl in general. I'd luv to not need to interact with ne1 who isn't my family or friend.

My job SUCK!!!the ppl I work with tht kiss ass SUCK!!! I seriously HATE my job

My legs are killing me. I really am starting to hate standing in uncomfortable shoes for a long period of time at work

I hate these ancient assholes that come into my work and treat me like shit. Take an iron to the face you old wrinkly bitches.

ooooh i hope i don't see anybody i know. i hate going out in public with my work clothes on!

I hate my job they make you work doubles and lie about everything #beverly farm sucks

 I hate my name. it's way too ghetto and i have no idea how i'm going to get a job with a name like Vameeca.

I hate my new job !!!

Getting very irritated with the immature grown ass people at my know what hate me bc I know how to do a job YOU trained me for

i was having a good day, then i realized i hate my goddamn job...

My job is easy as fuck but it feels like a chore so that's why I hate it.

I love my job and most of the people but I hate the arse holes who employ people that don't speak English!

i fucking hate my job. fucking HATE!!!!! new job? I fucking think so.

I hate my job dey made me take out my nose ring....if xmas wasn't cumin up I would of said FUCK YOU.!.

I hate when my coworker does mad shit wrong n tell me how to do my job ol ass bitch get off cashier n put up sign u stay givin wrong change

Hahha I just walked outta my 2nd job .. fuuuuck I hate call centers!! first & last shit

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