Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oral Hygiene

Dental hygiene is a subject fraught with dire warning,

Prophesying without floss we all will be in mourning.

Just brushing teeth between each meal no longer cuts the mustard;

If your hygiene ain't complete your gums will turn to custard!

Plaque and tartar lie in wait, to sabotage your dentin;

Oral irrigation is the only thing preventin'

Halitosis so severe your breath could stop a freight train

Or receding gums that send your teeth right down a straight drain.

Scrape your tongue and do not chew on candy sweet and sticky,

Otherwise a root canal is done, and it's no quickie!

I do not think that I can stick with all these costly ventures;

Give me peace and quiet with a set of humble dentures!

Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.

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