Tuesday, January 19, 2010


"Suffering is good for you" the preacher said to me.

I noticed when he stubbed his toe he used mild blasphemy.

"Suffering is in your head" my therapist assured.

He wasn't very worried to see me quickly cured.

My lawyer told me suffering was good for lots of dough,

But who would get that money he didn't seem to know.

"You can buy off suffering!, the rich man gaily sang;

Didn't do him much good when his son they took to hang.

My neighbor told me suffering was punishment for sin.

When others suffered he would wear a mighty righteous grin.

Maybe there's no reason for our suffering at all;

Could be we are stuck inside somebody else's brawl.

All I know for sure when I am called upon to suffer

Is that it might kill me or could make me somewhat tougher.

Pardon me if I am sounding corny and too preachy;

I cribbed the whole thing from the works of nutty Friedrich Nietzsche.

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