Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dirty Laundry

My opponent changes at full moon into a werewolf, nu?

His car is full of whisky bottles and smells just like the zoo.

His fam'ly is descended from old pirates and cutthroats.

He raids the cemetery for those many extra votes.

He's been in court so many times they know him by first name.

The way he wears his necktie shows he has no sense of shame!

He never was a vet'ran and his college grades were poor

And his ex filed for divorce because he had a steady snore.

He's rich and cold and hard and cruel and doesn't own a dog.

What's more, he cannot even run a very decent blog.

I rant against this monster, this disgusting human ferret,

Because it's easier to do than look for my own merit.


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