Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Trillion (a nonsense poem)

"Daddy, what's a trillion?" the little girl did ask.
Her father hesitated, deeply troubled by the task
of answering her question in a way that would explain
a concept giving millions now a great big deal of pain.
"Does it have big floppy ears and feet with twenty toes?"
"Will it fly away with me if I still pick my nose?"
"Tell me, Daddy dearest, just what can a trillion be --"
"does it live on mountains or deep underneath the sea?"
"My daughter, no one really knows" he father so began,
"what a trillion looks like,whether purple, green or tan."
"You cannot find them anywhere except here in the States,"
"where jillions and gazillions are their only known playmates."
"Their appetite's enormous and they never stop to sleep
and into many houses they are bound to surely creep."
"Oh father I am sore afraid!" the little girl did sob.
"So am I" her father said, "cuz I just lost my job."
And so the two are huddled, and they still might be there yet;
a trillion isn't something you can easily forget.

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