Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Patriot Act

America is snooping like she never snooped before;

Hiring eavesdroppers by the pound and by the score.

A patriot is somebody who has the biggest ears

This side of Disney's Dumbo, and who buys their clothes at Sears.

Our information highway is backed up with rubberneckers

And pettifogging Teflon-coated cheeky background-checkers.

Every aspect of your life, from sex to defecation,

Is pulled apart by strangers looking for some aberration.

(They will gladly make notes of the slightest constipation.)

Here's the only secret that those Sherlocks haven't cracked:

Why do we put up with nonsense like the Patriot Act?

See all the ways you can stay connected to friends and family

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