Wednesday, March 12, 2008

advice to the gov

The Governor was indiscrete; he couldn't keep his pants up.

No matter how he slices it, he'll have to give his rants up.

No better than his fellow man, and possibly more randy,

He cannot scold them anymore for hiring eye candy.

But don't despair, dear governor; if I may just start hintin' –

You can take some pages from the playbook of Bill Clinton!

Yes, Clinton fooled around a lot while in the Oval Office.

Seems he had the girls lined up, sighing "Won't you boff us?"

He obliged them merrily until his wife caught on

And then the staff took cover outside on the White House lawn!

Old Billy boy did not pretend to be some kind of saint.

When Congress said "You must resign!" he simply said: I ain't.

He stuck it out, and so can you, oh Governor E. Spitzer –

Cuz people know when Virtue's strong the man just up and quits her.

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