Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a visit to the hospital



I went into the hospital to have a wart removed.

The operation rather strange and all mixed up has proved.

First they cut off both my ears and sewed them on my butt.

When I pulled my pants up all I did was holler "What?"

They took out my intestines and they started jumping rope

But at least they washed their hands real good with water and green soap.

Then they took my liver and they crammed it up my nose

And bathed my feet in curry sauce with chutney on my toes.

They pumped me full of helium until a motorcade

Came and took me off to be in Macy's street parade.

Finally they found the wart but couldn't operate.

It seems my health insurance had gone sadly out of date.

But they said they wouldn't charge me for that other stuff –

Ain't it grand when doctors goof to get it on the cuff!

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