Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh, For The Life Of A Hobo!


Oh, for the life of a hobo; a boxcar to call my own home!
Mulligan stew for my supper; dogs chasing me in a foam.
Begging for handouts from strangers and dodging the sheriff each day;
spending my nights in the hoosegow and treated like some rabid stray.
Oh, for the life of a hobo!  I'd skip down the road so carefree;
thrown from a train, I would holler, and not from the pain but high glee.
Drinking a bottle of Lysol and diving in dumpsters for fun;
why should I care if I never am listed with Bradstreet & Dunn?
Oh, for the life of a hobo, with head lice and bed bugs and fleas!
Never a boss to give orders; in winter beginning to freeze.
Join me and we will be hobos, and if the great heavens are just
most of the tycoons on Wall Street will join us soon down in the dust.

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