Wednesday, July 22, 2009

from the real tim torkildson

I love a spooky story on a dark and dismal night,

When H.P. Lovecraft's goblins make me shiver in delight.

Robert Bloch and werewolves are a lovely combination.

Bram Stoker and his sullen Count are always a sensation.

Stephen King is welcome, though his novels do seem long.

Algernon H. Blackwood's tales are only for the strong.

Saki had some good ones and Ray Bradbury excels

In evil things that stay for lunch and have alarming smells.

Anne Rice can sink her teeth into a vampire buffet

And no one beats old H.G. Wells on vivisection day.

Of course if you want terror of the kind that just might kill you,

Wait until your taxes come and see what they will bill you!

TEFL International - Admissions  

"The world is your classroom."

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