Thursday, June 5, 2008

great clowns

I miss the comics who had skill

To sugar-coat Life's bitter pill.

Stan and Ollie, thin and fat,

Convulsed us with their tit-for-tat.

Chaplin, ace of pantomime,

Waltzed from silly to sublime.

Groucho, Chico, Harpo Marx –

Masters of insane skylarks.

Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton

For our pleasure took a beatin';

Doing pratfalls on their face

With finesse and soulful grace.

Abbott and Costello burst

On the scene with "Who's On First".

And don't forget our friend Bill Fields,

Who over all a shot glass wields.

Now relegated to the gloom

Of a film museum room.

All the great clowns have grown mum –

Their feast of laughter's just a crumb.

Kids today have not a clue

Of what great comedy can do.

Instead, their comics have a stash

Of dope jokes while they're talking trash;

Pygmies who think decent humor

Went out with the Baby Boomer.

Laughter is so dirty now,

Just dump it on a garbage scow.

We get the comics we deserve –

Mostly sick and mostly perv.

Larry, Moe and Curly, please,

Deliver me from all this sleaze!

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