Monday, February 25, 2008

gas tax


In Minnesota long ago a governor held sway.

He liked to make the people smile, so kept tax hikes away.

Rusty bridges, bumpy roads and rural desolation

Didn't bother him at all; they helped keep down inflation.

But legislators in his state felt they ought to holler,

Asking for authority to whittle every dollar.

Like children in a candy shop their wish list was quite big.

What their governor might say they didn't care a fig.

So drawing up a bill one day they raised the tax on gas.

The governor took one shocked look and vowed: this shall not pass!

Flourishing his trusty pen the governor did veto.

He did it like an emperor; maybe Hirohito.

But legislators can't be cowed by just a thin pen stroke.

Regrouping, they charged back again to overturn his joke.

Not only did they vote a tax upon all gasoline

They put a tax on everything from glue to coffee bean.

The money started pouring in, so the legislature

Did give themselves a hefty raise – that is just their nature.

But roads were paved and bridges fixed – everyone  did give dear,

Until the people cried that they can't afford to live here.

Now everyone has left the state; the governor is stuck

With legislators who still think that they can pass the buck!

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