Thursday, February 14, 2008

this I believe



The less I know the more I see

A huge world-wide conspiracy.

Crazy theory preached with passion

I do find to be in fashion.

Our dollar bill is full of links

To terrorists and other finks;

The symbols printed in bright green

Decoded say "go drink benzene".

Did you know our Constitution

Says all taxes we are to shun?

The Feds won't mind if you don't pay;

They have no power anyway!

As far as OPEC is concerned

I've found how all their profit's earned;

That black oil that they ding us for

Is made from thrown out apple core.

And global warming is a crock

That Al Gore made up to sell stock;

His wind turbines are such a gyp –

Like ethanol and buggy whip.

The U.N. sure is power-mad.

The World Bank is a sugar dad.

The moon walk never did take place

And Elvis wrote 'Amazing Grace'.

I know all this is true because

It makes my brain both fizz and buzz;

I know I cannot be mistook;

I read it in a comic book!

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