Tuesday, February 19, 2008




Even those most in the know

Wonder: where is Kosovo?

Somewhere by the Adriatic.

Borders seem to be erratic.

(They settle things by automatic.)

South of Belgrade, mostly Muslim.

National language?  That does puzzle 'em.

Serbs and Turks once fought a battle

In a field that now holds cattle.

Their main export seems to be

Albanians in quantity.

These are folks who do not click

With Slobadan Milosevic.

He's the fellow who made 'Serb'

Into a cold and killing verb.

When the U.N. troops depart

Anarchy is sure to start.

Infrastructure is a wreck;

Even crows don't come to peck.

Russia then will step right in,

Claiming they're Slavonic kin.

Will the U.S. intervene?

In the spring . . . does grass turn green?

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