Thursday, February 28, 2008




Many are the ears of corn distilled as ethanol.

But supplies of corn can fail and then production stall.

Other types of biomass might have to be secured.

I suggest tobacco leaf, all bundled up and cured!

We can make tobaconal for every car and truck.

Let the smokers on pipe cleaners all begin to suck.

Put Joe Camel in the tank and let him pull his weight.

That would put the OPEC guys into a pretty state!

'Baccy is a useless crop we've coddled far too long.

Southern states don't want it touched; they think it is King Kong.

We have failed to have this weed uprooted and destroyed.

Turn it into something that's more usefully employed!

Every car should run on snuff; toboconal's the answer!

Then old cars will not be junked: they'll just die of cancer.

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