Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TwitterDeck: "Santa Claus". Unedited & Uncensored.

Dear Santa Claus, ur an old man who sneaks into houses, stalks little kids, and says "Hoe, hoe, hoe". Wht did ur mama teach u?!


The 3 stages of life: 1) You believe in Santa Claus! 2) You don't believe in Santa Claus! ...3) You are Santa Claus!


RT @LRodHubbard: If Santa Claus is at the North Pole who's holding it down at the South Pole? Hitler Clause?


RT @funnyhumour: Santa Claus isn't happy. Wikileaks have published his "naughty and nice" list.


"Santa Claus has the right idea: visit people once a year"" #LOL


OMG Santa Claus is is following me on twitter; that crazy bastard never brought me what I asked ¬¬


Santa Claus Is Coming To Town has been stuck in my head for four hours. Kill me now.


Santa Claus is a black man

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