Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What People Are Tweeting About Mormons Today.

From TweetDeck:  "mormons". 


Even a crappy movie about Mormons still creeps me out.


RT @benwiers: IBM built a robot that plays Jeopardy, didn't the mormons beat them to the punch by like 8 years?


@vorvolaka The paler the skin the more righteous you were in the pre-existence so according Mormons those dark skinned folks were not good.


Guess who's helping unload the truck -- mormons! Can't get away from them can I?


Met some Mormons when walking the dog. One hour later...they rejected the gospel and walked away. Sad, but maybe seeds were planted.


Mormons r da 1s wit da str8 az blak hats n bonnets n suits ain't they?


Surrounded by mormons in the subway


Why does the postman always deliver packages-too-big-for-the letterbox when you're out but the Mormons always calls when your in?


"All i know about Mormons I learned from South Park."


How to Tell the Difference Between Mormons and Zombies – Holytaco -

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