Saturday, December 18, 2010

What people are tweeting today about "republicans"

TweetDeck: "Republicans"


Can Jesus please return and take just the republicans? The planet earth would thank you... #P2


Republicans block youth immigration bill. As anti-American as it gets!


RT @Justsomedust: Republicans would rather give tax cuts to ultra-rich than healthcare to 9/11 first responders.


Benedict Arnold Republicans destroy military and our national security


Stimulus! Just 4 wks ago, Obama got jobs for 63 Republicans!


republicans are out of their motherfucking minds


I have a hard time not using the F*** word when thinking of Republicans. Why is that?


Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July but Democrats believe every day is April .


Republicans voted to repeal "Don't ask don't tell," only after being assured it didn't apply to their interns.


US Senate declined Obama's petition to legalize all illegal immigrants that are in school... you can thank republicans for that..


The Republicans distrust the government, that's why they want to give it more power to spy on you, arrest you, torture you ....


While republicans whine they might have to work this holiday.Unemployed workers only wish they could


Republicans can kiss my almost white ass.


Of course NBC makes no bones about the fact that they stand 100% proudly behind Barack Obama and the Democrats. They're not Republicans.


Republicans scare me...

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