Friday, November 12, 2010

What People are Tweeting today

From Tweetdeck, under "Mormon"


Mormon twerps!


Rebekah: guess where I'm going this weekend, my IQ will drop 40 pts an I will still b the smartest... Me: a Mormon church?


@garyyounge Mitt Romney is a Mormon idiot. Reps don't need him


New blog posting, Is Len Goodman (The judge on Dancing With The Stars) a mormon?


RT @southpark: SP FANS! Be the first to see THE BOOK OF MORMON on Broadway, a new musical from the creators of South Park!


what's it mean when someone clarifies in bio: '& i'm mormon'. do they not dance or drink soda or laugh but have 15 wives?


@politicalwind He's a mormon there fore yes he is an anti semite and also stupid for believing that LDS crap


Is the Mormon Media Empire Curtailing Freedom of Speech?:


@callykarishokka Mormon Missionaries! Men in suits and Women in dresses that go around and teach you about Mormonism.


Should I stop at Mormon Disneyland for some golden glasses?


Ex: Although the Olympics are being held in Utah, where the Mormon Church is based, the Church has decided not to proselytize to visitors.



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